Sunday, August 25, 2013

"Tactical Pen" for Self-Defense

I recently purchased a tactical pen as an option for self-defense. I work in a secure government building where no weapons are allowed. Everyone who enters the building must go through a security screening process which uses security officers, metal detectors (magnetometer), x-ray machines, and if necessary a pat down and search of you and your belongings. Now I have been around long enough to know that it is possible to sneak a weapon into any facility even if it is classified as secure. Being that it is a government building even employees are prohibited from carrying a weapon in the facility. Despite that weapons are prohibited there are always an abundant amount of “weapons of opportunity” in the work environment that should violence be directed my way I have a variety of options to choose. Every work environment that I have ever been in regardless of whether it is considered secure or not has a host of non-traditional weapons such as: kitchen knives, scissors, pens, screw drivers, hot coffee, water bottles, chairs, glasses, cups, staplers, books, etc. that can be used.

When thinking about weapons it is important to understand that my primary weapon is “ME.” This should be the same for you as well. I am not trying to be cocky but “I” am the weapon starting with my mindset. It is my brain and mindset that determine so many factors when faced with violence. Failure to have the warrior mindset is failure at all levels. Any external weapon that I use is an accoutrement to my primary weapon. Remember, it is your mindset that will allow you to avoid many situations and it is your mindset that will allow you to prevail in a violent encounter. Never forget the basics such as: situational awareness, color codes, OODA loop, use of imagery, and of course consistent ongoing training that incorporates reality based training.

“Tactical Pen”

Five points I would like to make on tactical pens:

  1. I reviewed a lot of pens before making my final decision. I suggest that you look around and see what fits your needs. Never buy gear based only on the recommendations of others. It is imperative to do your own research to see if it fits your needs and your skill level.
  2. The pen I went with is not necessarily the best pen available but it fits my need.
  3. Some of the pens on the market are priced ridiculously high. No one should ever spend more than $30.00 for a “tactical” pen. I have seen some priced at over $100.00! That is simply foolish and a waste of money. Spend your hard earned dollars on other gear that will provide more utility. Having a “company name brand” listed on a “tactical” pen does not make it more effective. It is you, the user, which will ultimately determine how effective your tactical pen will be during a violent encounter.
  4. The use of the word “tactical” to sell a pen is purely a marketing and advertising scheme to lead you to believe that you are super special with Ninja-like abilities. Too many companies inappropriately use this ploy and too many consumers fall for it! I have no problem spending top dollar for quality gear but I will never fall for marketing/advertising games.
  5. Tactical pens are not an intimidating weapon. Don’t expect to pull out your pen and have an attacker run away in fear. It won’t happen that way.

The pen I chose is the Smith and Wesson M&P 2nd Generation Tactical Pen which cost $24.42 (at the time of this writing) at As a pen it works fine.  The ink color is black and you have the ability to replace the ink when necessary. The pen is definitely heavier than your average pen and is about the same size in height as most pens although it is a bit thicker. One aspect of the pen that I do not like is that it is not well balanced when writing and tends to be top heavy. I only recommend writing with this pen if you just need to take a few notes. I would not want to have to write a lot in one sitting with this pen.  The threads are very strong and secure. When closed there is an O-ring gasket that may need to be replaced over time. I do not anticipate that the cap would ever inadvertently come loose.

As a weapon this is advertised as a "tactical" pen. In reality utilizing a pen in a self-defense situation should be a last resort and is more of a "weapon of opportunity" than anything else. Never consider a pen as a primary weapon. While this pen is constructed of aircraft aluminum and is very sturdy it is still just a pen. Having said that, utilized correctly this pen can inflict some serious damage to an attackers eyes or throat. The key is that you have to utilize it correctly which means that you should have some previous training to understand the pros and cons of such a weapon. Typically, when a person is utilizing a weapon they tend to forget all other weapons that are available. For example, if you are holding a tactical pen in your hand and fighting off an attacker it is not uncommon to only use the pen as a weapon and forget that you can still use punches, elbows, kicks, and knee strikes. This is a training issue where you get “missile locked” on the pen and forget all the other possibilities. In a worst case scenario where you are fighting for your life this is never a good situation to be in. Train to use the right weapon, at the right time, on the right target, for the right reason. The good news is that with proper training you will become well-rounded in your skill set. If you plan on carrying this pen as a potential weapon then it is important to plan on spending time training with it. Items to consider include where you carry it, how you will deploy it, the type of grip you will use, striking a target to see how it feels in your hand, working on accuracy to hit striking points such as the eyes or throat, etc.

One of the main drawbacks to using a "Tactical Pen" is that you need to be very close to an attacker who wants to hurt you. That is not a good situation. The pen has some groves to enhance your grip yet the surface is smooth and would greatly benefit from having some texture added to aid the grip. If you are nervous and your hands are sweaty then expect your grip to be negatively impacted and less effective due to the pen slipping. Of course you always have the option of modifying the pen to add some texture. The top of the pen cap and the clip both have the Smith & Wesson logo printed and the clip has the name "Smith & Wesson" printed. So much for “tactical” or the element of surprise!

Overall Assessment:

The Smith and Wesson M&P 2nd Generation Tactical Pen has its place in your arsenal. It is critically important to understand both the pros and cons of using this pen as a weapon. If you work in a facility that is a "gun free zone" or frequent such places this pen provides you one option for defense. Keep in mind that gun free zones are also considered, “Target Rich Environments.” This pen is small, easy to conceal, well-constructed, and in the right hands can be an effective weapon. If you are in a situation where you need to use this pen do not forget all the other weapons that you possess or weapons of opportunity that are in your immediate environment. You must always have the ability to adapt to the situation and change your plan when necessary.

Stay safe

© 2013

1 comment:

  1. We are creating unique products and sharing new ideas. JP has always been a dreamer and has always looked at items thinking about how they could be made better,
    more useful, or different altogether. As a company we want to do just that.
    We realized not long ago that it is never too late to start something if you believe in it.
    Therefore, the idea of JP-TAC was born. We want to encourage the group of people that we feel a part of.
    We want to encourage being prepared. We love the type of products we create.
    We will always be improving something or delivering something entirely new.
    Starting a business is never easy so as of this writing we are on the ground floor.
    We have an amazing design, engineering, Tactical Pen, Tactical Gear, Survival Gear,
    Survivalism, Tactical and manufacturing team that collectively have many years of experience.
