As a former law enforcement officer survival instructor I
have trained a lot of law enforcement officers. As a former martial arts
instructor I have trained a lot of civilians. One commonality that I have seen
with both groups is that many people tend to put their own values, morals, and
ethics on other people. This even occurs when these people want to do you harm.
This practice of projecting who you are as a person onto someone else that
wants to hurt you needs to stop. Absolutely nothing good will come from it.
Humans tend to want to believe the best in other people. This is a good trait
to have but not at the expense of your life.
Recently, I have been giving some thought to why we project our
qualities on other people. My hypothesis is due to the environment that we are
raised. America is a Judeo/Christian
society that is based on laws. At an early age we are told what behaviors are
acceptable and which behaviors are not acceptable. Yet, not everyone gets the
lessons and the result is that there are bad people in the world. Some of these
individuals grow up to be predators on the weak. We see this when people engage
in the so called, “knock out” game that is going on for well over a year now.
The bottom line is that your values, morals, and ethics do not apply to
predators. Today we see a world full of predators hiding behind religion.
Today the Middle East is falling apart. In reality, the
Middle East has always been an unstable environment but recent events have
proven how violent the Middle East has become all under the guise of Islam. From
a very early age young Muslims are taught to hate and that the infidel must be
killed. I find it very interesting that
the “religion of peace” continually uses brutal and lethal violence as a means
to convey its message. Each and every day I am bombarded with news about Islamic violence or videos of beheadings,
beatings, torture, and rape. All in the name of religion! When it comes to
Islamic violence you cannot afford to project your values, morals, and ethics.
I have seen too many videos of Islamic violence and more often than not the
result is unwarranted brutal murder in the name of Islam. Recently, ISIS was pompous
enough to produce a video called “Clanking of the Swords” which shows their
continued lust for violence – all in the name of Islam. If they break into your
home, stop your vehicle, or corner you on the street their goal is your death
in the name of Allah. In such situations you have but one option and that is to
fight with all of your might. Because if you do not fight you are dead. Yes,
you may end up dead anyway since you will more than likely be outnumbered and
outgunned but this does not mean you have to lie down and die. Fight and resist
until your dying breathe if necessary.
Personally, I am sick of Islam’s continued violence and I am
sick of all the political correctness that our own government uses to appease
Islam. I embrace diversity and do not care about your color, education,
religion, natural origin, sexual preference, job title, income, or anything else
that makes you different from me. But, I draw the line when you kill innocent
people in the name of your religion. I have seen the videos of young girls
beheaded, young boys shot to death, homosexuals hung from a crane, elderly men
beaten to death, groups of people burned alive, and women raped. I will no
longer be silent. I choose to take a stand. They will scream racism and use a
made up term “Islamophobia” to label anyone who talks negatively about Islam.
Well, there are about 1.2 billion Muslims in the world. All credible estimates
state that anywhere between 15-25% are radicalized. That means that there are
an estimated 900,000,000 Muslims who are supposedly not radicalized and who
should be standing out against such violence but this is not the case! Yet, their silence speaks volumes. Do not ever
call me Islamophobic as you stand silent! Your silence is implicit approval of Islam’s
violence. I have made up a word to counter their word of Islamophobia. I am Islam-Aware. I am educated to the facts
and will not fall prey to a false term such as Islamophobe. I will call a spade
a spade. Islam is the problem. I do not see videos of Christians beheading or
killing innocent people. I do not see
videos of Jews beheading or killing innocent people. I do not see videos of Hindus
beheading or killing innocent people. I
do not see videos of Buddhists beheading or killing innocent people. I ONLY SEE
THIS FROM ISLAM! And not only do I see it but they continually provide more
videos of their violence and proudly share their brutality for the world to
see. Islam is a religion that preaches hate and has an insatiable lust for
violence. Killing in the name of Allah.
If and when their brutal jihad comes to America, such as is occurring
in the Middle East, then you had better be prepared to fight. They will not
negotiate with you. They will not listen to your pleas for mercy. They do not
care if you are young. They do not care if you are old. They do not care if you
are injured. They do not care if you are pregnant. They are on a mission to
destroy. They are on a mission to kill. YOU ARE THE TARGET. Are you prepared?
We have a southern border that is completely porous. Do not think for a moment
that Islamists have not already crossed the border into the United States.
According to
“Our initial
investigation has concluded there are between 400 to 500 radical Islamic
centers in the U.S. In those places, they preach an extreme version of Islam
that says America and the West is the enemy. They espouse violence, hatred and
the need for terrorism.”
Radicalized Islamists who want to kill you and your family
are already here in the United States training and planning a jihad. Now is the
time to take a stand. Now is the time to be pro-active. Now is the time to
speak up. You cannot afford to be silent any longer. Get involved and get
educated to the facts. Become Islam-Aware. Are you prepared? If not, just
remember that Islam is prepared to use extreme violence. And they are training.
Disclaimer: Survival Skillcraft does not advocate the use of
violence and this article is not stating that you should go out and target any
person or group. We are stating that you need to be prepared when violence is
projected in your direction. We also encourage you to use your 1st
Amendment rights to speak up against the violence of Islam.
© 2014